Lead us to Your Son, as pilgrims have been asking for centuries in the place of the apparitions. Here, too, they will experience the graces of healing and conversion. Whole families come to the Sanctuary, bring all their requests and grievances, but also return with gratitude. 
The coronation of the miraculous figure with papal crowns is a confirmation of the many centuries of worship and graces of the Holy Mother of Kębło, which took place in the past and which are also experienced by today's pilgrims. The coronation took place during the 700th anniversary of the apparitions on September 10, 1978. It was held with the consent of Pope Paul VI by the Lublin Ordinary Prof. Bishop Bolesław Pylak. It was the last Marian coronation in Poland before the pontificate of John Paul II. 
Pilgrimages to Wąwolnica took place all night long before the coronation ceremony. Marian songs resounded on all roads leading to the ancient city. Faithful people from all over the diocese came with their priests. They also used to ride on individual wagons, bikes and cars. 
The day of September 10, 1978 was cloudy and rainy, and yet thousands of people stood up to their ankles in the water on the Marian Square. The hill surrounding the square was also filled with pilgrims. About one hundred thousand believers took part in the coronation ceremony.

Priest Józef Gorajek, parish priest and custodian of the Sanctuary, who prepared and conducted the coronation ceremony, wrote later:

"I am happy and I thank God very much for having achieved the goal of my life - to honour the Holy Mother of Kębło through the act of coronation, to deepen her worship and to revitalize the cult that lasted 700 years".

Since these days, the Sanctuary in Wąwolnica has been gathering more and more faithful from the diocese of Lublin and its neighborhood. It has become a place of pilgrimages, days of recollection, retreats, meetings of high school graduates and annual celebrations on the feast of the Holy Mother of Kębło on the first Sunday of September. 
And just as on that rainy day in the evening, the faithful gather for a solemn Holy Mass in Kębło. They go there in procession from the church hill, carry candles in their hands and pray the rosary. Then, at midnight, they participate in the Marian Midnight Mass in the parish church and remain there on night vigil to sing the "Hours of the Immaculate Conception" early in the morning. 
In 1984, the consecration of Bishop Jan Śrutwa took place in Wąwolnica. It was, as it can be read in chronicles, a unique case of giving the bishop's sacrament outside the cathedral. The consecration was performed by Cardinal Józef Glemp, the Primate of Poland, assisted by the Bishops of Lublin. Why is it a unique place of consecration? The new bishop chose the Holy Mother of Kębło as the guide and placed her image in his bishops' emblem. 
In 1986 the National Marian Congress was held in Wąwolnica. 
On the Marian Square in Wąwolnica there are 15 white crosses symbolising the mysteries of the rosary. Ten of them contain bronze bas-reliefs depicting subsequent parts of the rosary's mysteries. Among the founders of the stations are: Bishop Bolesław Pylak, Bishop Jan Śrutwa, Bełżyce and Zakrzówek parishes and individuals. 
The crosses on the Marian Square were placed in 1979, when the parish was administered by the Canon Jan Pęzioł. At that time, a granite altar was placed on the hill. Since then, anniversary ceremonies have been held on the Marian Square, also known as the Rosary Square.